
This evenings board meeting began in the usual manner.  On this occasion the subject of intent for communication was 'Artists'.  Basically we invited artists to offer their names and to give us a few details about themselves, which information might assist us towards confirming their identities through evidential research.

The séance room felt notably energised at the outset and as we opened with the customary prayer the three sitters present were looking forward to whatever might occur.  As usual, RENE was the first communicator to indicate his presence as he took his place as gatekeeper for the evening.  The following communication is spelled as received:

LEO NARDO.  A SEPPLN. OMAN.  Where did you live? ITALY.  OIL (this in reply...when we asked the form of art he worked with).  KIDNEY. RABBIT. SARAH. DRAMBUE.

In all a productive evening, with many different energies felt as the glass moved readily around the board, seemingly with developing confidence.  We aren't overly concerned at this point that the spelled words often appear either random or irrelevant.  There is some established structure and developmental progress is apparent, which was particularly evident this evening when we felt uncertain about one communicator...we asked Rene to come forward and his response was both immediate and reassuring.

We are already very much looking forward to our next board meeting : )

Following this sitting I carried out a bit of on-line research into the given names etc.  During one search I found a clip of Tony Hart (this link highlighted above)...and was consequently reminded of his work with Aardman Animations...and this led me to remembering an article I had seen earlier in the day, about art work upon slate tiles being auctioned in a bid to preserve the historical Clevedon community cinema.  
Further research, this time into 'Bob Tiffany' led me to this! Fork lift truck driver
Chris Di Nucci


This evenings séance was another interesting one.  All three sitters arrived in fine spirits (pun intended) and the subject of random choice for the evening was selected: “Those past who spoke in languages different to our own, to offer evidence of their survival by spelling messages that could be translated later”.
The three sitters were consciously aware that between them they knew some French and a little German.  
The séance was opened in the established manner.  Then all three waited.

After an extended period RENE made his presence known as gatekeeper of the board.  Further time elapsed, with several random letters indicated.  Gradually some words became spelled within the mix.
KEY. BOB. ANDREA (Male). AMBORSE. DATA. ARRIVE. CROATIA. ONE. ET (recognised). BRAVE. ADAM RANDOLPH. FREE YOUR MIND (message for one of the sitters). PAMALA. ARABELLA. BRITISH RAIL (in response to a question from one of the sitters).

Each communicator appeared to ‘struggle’…with the energy beneath the glass notably wavering in intensity and stability. The personalities of some communicators were felt by all three sitters, with two of them being most greatly aware…both offered independent matching descriptions.  Myself, as circle leader and host, found this of particular interest, as of course it is the over-all intent of the mediums seated within the Lodge to provide evidence of survival, and this evening the spirit board acted as a focal point to demonstrate the blend and the value of both mental and physical mediumship.  

The intent of the Lodge project has always been, and will remain, primarily to support the development and demonstration of evidential physical mediumship.  However, over the years, on many occasions it has been made apparent that the elements of mental mediumship are essentially entwined with the physical.

In all another enjoyable and thought-provoking séance.
We feel that we're not quite ready to invite a guest sitter along to share a Board experience, but it won't be long now before we do  : )

February 2020

Once again this evening prior to entering the séance room a folded slip of paper had been taken by Andy from the small box kept for the purpose, and the words upon it read by himself.  The slip of paper offered the focus for the séance.  On this occasion the group were to invite children to come forward, to offer evidence of their survival.

Upon entering the séance room all three sitters gathered around the circular table, upon which was laid the wooden Ouija board created and carved by Andy, the designated medium.  After the opening prayer had been spoken by the host (myself), which invited the spirit world to draw close and stated the intent and purpose for the evening (as had been selected) all three sitters placed one finger upon the small upturned glass which had been centrally placed upon the board.  As a group we then invited the designated mediums primary guide to take control of the board and to act as gatekeeper for the evening.  RENE was therefore our first communicator to spell his name.

The glass moved with ease around the board, sometimes at random, but most often this evening with apparent purpose.  The following letters appeared purposefully given:

ANTHONY MORSE. Aged 9. Killed by a GOLF ball struck by MARK. SCOTLAND. 2014. He had connections with NOBBY and KILIMANJARO.

In addition to the communication shown here, there was also information of a personal nature given to one of the three sitters present that evidenced the continuing life of an unborn child.

The positive results of any investigations will be published at a later date...and if anyone reading this can offer assisting guidance we'd be very pleased to hear from them.
A contact link is given on the Lodge main site.  Thanks : )

100 Golf courses

January 2020

By now the energy regularly felt to build beneath the upturned glass, and the movements which followed, appeared to be stable.  However, the shared sittings had not, with honesty, offered any communication that an outsider might consider to be evidential.  Therefore, as a devotee of physical mediumship and a seeker of objective evidence I felt it was time to introduce some structure to our board meetings.  With this intent in mind, following a little consideration, I typed a list of objectives.  One example of this: Many famous theatrical performers, and those with this interest, have passed.  Tonight we welcome communication from some of these historical figures. We would like to learn a little about them and to receive verifiable evidence of their identity.

I typed a further ten varied invitations in similar form and then cut them into strips, folded them, and put them into a small box.  Immediately prior to each sitting, one strip of paper would be selected at random by Andy, and that subject would become our theme for the meeting.  With no pre-awareness of the chosen theme it was not felt possible for any person present to carry out prior research.  This fact heightens the evidential value of any communication received.

Tonight, with the above theme selected, the three sitters took their places.  The first communicator was Rene.  His presence was acknowledged and thanks given for his gate-keeper role.  Thereafter actual board-spellings are in capitals with an * placed where sitters guessed the typed word.  I will interject when repeated conversation appears relevant.

AC   We asked whether this was the communicators initials and the response was Yes.  We asked the communicator to spell their first name.
ANDREW...followed by CEARN  We asked whether he had theatrical interest and received a Yes response followed by SINGER and when asked which music he liked BALERO.

The next communicator spelled TERRY NUTKINS.  Between ourselves we felt this gentleman to be a youngish man, and felt that he probably hadn't died....but we went with the flow and, knowing him to be an entertainer working with animals we asked for his favourite.  ELEPHANT was the response.

The sitting progressed along similar lines:


Further communication was offered with less clarity.  The sitting (I hour 15 minutes) gradually came to a close following some personal information and advice being offered to two of the three sitters present.

Research after seance:
Terry Nutkins

End of October 2019

This evenings board meeting proceeded as upon recent previous occasions, but now with three persons present... one of these being the designated medium for the evening.  It is the intention for Andy to be the designated medium on these occasions and for his guide, Rene, to take control of the board.  It is intended for Rene to act as gatekeeper during each sitting.

The sitting began with a few movements of the upturned glass, with gathering speed and random letters approached, before RENE was spelled and this spirit communicator welcomed.

As the sitting progressed MARY was spelled and this communicator recognised by Andy.  A private message was offered to him, the matter referring to a current topic.  Random letters were again approached, with other spellings recognised and felt to have meaning. RARD (was repeated and it was felt that this might be a name of a communicator, although there was no evidence to support this). ET...a previous communicator and one recognised by Andy.  Then a message ARE YOU ABLE TO USE QEO O PEN.  ANN was spelled followed by I LOVE BEN.  Also BARBARA OAP DAD (a message thought to be for Andy's father).

The letter Q was often indicated.  Sitters eventually felt that this might simply indicate that they were to ask a question...perhaps, for ease of communication, one requiring a simple 'yes' or 'no' response.  Various questions were trialled, without unexpected response, before Andy asked for advice.  He has an intention to sit at home for development (in addition to attending the Lodge circle weekly).  So he asked how long he should sit for development within his home environment and in response the glass indicated 60 (minutes).  He asked how often he should sit each week and 1 (sitting) was indicated.

Later LEMON TREE was spelled...which caused laughter from myself as Lemons are something historically connected with the Lodge.  Basically in the early years anyone coming to the Lodge suffering from anything from a sore throat to a broken ankle was advised by my guide FC to take lemon in warm water!  This has become a standing joke now and is often the response I offer to those seeking healing.  The message 'Lemon Tree' was also accepted by Andy, who particularly wants one.  It should perhaps be said that very often messages from Spirit mean different things to different people.  In fact it was only the other day that I was discussing this with a friend who had recently attended a trance mediumship séance here in the Lodge.  It was noticed then that every person present had received a message that was meaningful to them, and that the same message meant something different to each.

Also spelled was SAGE.  This was felt to be particularly meaningful to Andy as he has notably very recently purchased a picture titled 'The Sage' by artist Dianne Harris.

The herb Sage has also been planted in the past week in a freshly dug area in Chris's garden...and the sage herb is meaningful also to the third person present during this sitting.

In enjoyable evening shared with friends far and wide...!

October 2019

Our early sittings with the board had been pleasurable and the phenomena of some interest.  On this occasion we could both feel energy building and slightly raising the upturned glass.  We became aware of the 'different' energies felt as the communicators changed.  We learned to 'feel' and develop our sensitivity.  The communicators appeared to be learning along with ourselves.  We made notes of the letters spelled...
SLQ OMNKN   OSM  OCNM O...clearly indicating that trials were taking place.

As further sittings were held, gradually some communicator intellect become demonstrated.
During one sitting the initials CM were indicated and I responded by saying that there was a letter missing from the middle.  The prompt response to this was D.  My initials prior to marriage were CDM.

By now Andy and myself had sat together half-a-dozen times or so, and now decided to invite a friend to join us.  This proved to be of enormous benefit. In fact, after the sitting, as we had all thoroughly enjoyed the evening we agreed to make this a regular fortnightly group event.

The first communicator was RENE.  Rene, Andy's primary guide, had communicated through the board on every occasion. FC was also spelled once again during the evening...he too has communicated through the board at every sitting (he being a conglomerate entity and my recognised guide).  NASAWI was spelled...he being the guide of the third sitter present.
Rene spelled TAKE CHARGE, when asked if he was taking care of the board.  Nasawi spelled MANY PEOPLE when asked if there were others wishing to communicate with us.  At one point our guest sitter said that her arms ached as the upturned glass was resting distant from her...and the glass immediately responded by moving closer to her.  When the glass was running around the edge of the board in rapid circles I asked if it could 'go the other way round'...and it responded to do so!  I then asked if it could 'go up and down the board' and it immediately stopped and did so...and then 'back and forth now?' caused the glass to run across the board.  DAD, NANA, MARY, ET, BERT  were amongst the names also spelled during this sitting.
Finally, as the experiment drew to a close, the glass went to A and then to GOODBYE...followed by C and then GOODBYE...and finally R and GOODBYE.  This effectively acknowledged the presence of the three sitters individually. 

The experiment 2018

Just before Christmas 2018 Andy and I had been chatting generally about the pros and cons of communication boards.  The spirit board is not something that has been focussed upon within the Lodge to I considered it to be a subject open for experimentation.
We were, of course, aware of the general 'bad press' surrounding the 'Ouija board'...and as we have the highest respect for the energies evoked when working with all aspects of mediumship we were not treating the matter with light regard.

Following our discussion Andy set out to hand-craft a beautiful wooden communication board, which he subsequently gifted to the Lodge.  A small upturned glass is the chosen communication indicator...this glass having a fitted cover for storage purposes it seemed perfect as it can effectively through intent become 'locked' and 'unlocked'.  To further enhance this intent a small fancy key is placed inside the glass when it's not in use.

We offer a description of our first experimental sitting

The mediums chair was placed within the closed cabinet.  This is because we wished to clearly define our intent for his spirit team to work with him.  A second chair was placed outside of this curtained area, with another chair placed opposite and a table, with the board upon it, positioned between.  A smaller table was set to the left hand side of the medium...this table had a pen and notebook laid upon it.  Lighting came from a 15 watt red bulb, that was positioned above the table.  Music played in the background.  This initial séance lasted for an hour and a half.  Two sitters were present...Andy and myself.

Following the opening of the séance both sitters placed a finger upon the glass, which began to move within few minutes...but it was obvious that there were 'trials' being effected as the early movements were spasmodic before random letters were selected.  Gradually this changed and some personality became demonstrated through the movement of the glass.  In fact on two occasions the glass was obviously dancing to the music!

Suffice to say that names were spelled and the identity of communicators clarified through questioning when necessary.  Different communicators came and went...using the 'spelling method' as well as 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' indicators and 'Yes and 'No' responses when appropriate.  In this manner messages were received.

At this stage the questions we asked and the messages we received are felt by us both to be of personal interest, rather than being for public publication.  The names of the communicators can however be recorded here: Fred Hill (who declared an interest in physical mediumship, in a home circle capacity, when in life). Thomas. Mary (known to the medium). Brian Porter. Mark Bolan (spelled in this way). FC (known to myself). Jenny. Sue Courtier (known to the medium). Fred. Busvine (a name known to myself). Rene Descarte.

Research:  We were later interested to learn that Marc Bolan was born Mark Feld.

Note: We have agreed for this form of communication to be utilised between ourselves upon occasion, rather than to sit regularly with developmental intent.  At a later date we may hold regular sittings...but currently don't feel sufficient commitment.